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     Substrate is a fancy way to describe the material you chose to line your gecko's enclosure.  You have four main options to consider when selecting substrate for your new leopard gecko:


     Paper is one option for substrate.  It is easy to find, inexpensive, and easy to change.  You can use different types of paper including unprinted newspaper and paper towels.  One problem with paper is it does not mask any odors, so you have to clean your gecko's enclosure more often.  The paper is not very pretty or natural looking.  Finally, the paper does not hold humidity, which is a benefit because your gecko likes a less humid environment.

Eco Earth

     This substrate gives a very naturalistic look to your enclosure.  The Eco Earth is a little pricey and is not very easy to clean.  The accidental ingestion of this bedding is a concern to some keepers.  Most keeper will agree this is an excellent choice for loose substrate. 

Reptile Carpet

    Another option is reptile carpet.  The carpet is not a very good choice for leopard geckos because it is difficult to clean and retains odor.  You will have to replace the carpet frequently.


     Sand is an option that some feel works well for leopard geckos.  You will see this quiet often at your large pet stores.  The concern most breeders have with sand is that your gecko could ingest sand while eating which can lead to impaction.

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