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An important aspect of leopard gecko care is maintaining your's gecko's health and wellness.  Some things to consider: 


Recognizing/Identifying Illness


     Some of the most common health issues are dysecdysis, metabolic bone disease (MBD), gastroenteritis, and upper respiratory infections.  Any of these conditions can be devastating if not treated effectively and in a timely manner.  Always contact your veterinarian and follow the vet's directions.




     Leopard geckos shed as they grow.  The only time that you will see your gecko's shed is when it is having difficulty shedding.  Humidity is essential in aiding your gecko's shed.  

     Dysecdysis is when your leopard gecko is having trouble shedding, which can affect your gecko's vision.  Dysecdysis is most likely associated with an environment that does not have the right moisture level.  If the stuck shed is not treated appropriately, the skin can start to bind their feet leading to the loss of a toe or toes.  This can be very painful and you should take your gecko to a qualified veterinarian.  They have ways of removing the shed and aid with pain control.

     To treat stuck shed, increase the humidity in the gecko's moist hide.  You can also soak your gecko in a warm bath for a few minutes.  To soak your gecko, fill a container with lukewarm, not hot water.  The water level should cover half the side of your gecko.  Place a heat mat or heating pad under one side of the container.  Connect the heat source to a thermostat and place the probe in the water.  Set the thermostat to maintain the proper water temperature.  Watch your gecko to insure it is not getting stressed, panicking, thrashing or swimming quickly around in the container.  When you remove your gecko, the skin should be very wet, soft, and should come off by gently using a q-tip to remove that shed.   If the shed does not come off easily, simply return the gecko to the bath for a longer period of time.  Extra care should be taken around the eyes to ensure the skin over the eyes have come off.  When the shed is removed, you can pat dry your gecko with a towel or paper towel.    


Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)


     MDB is a condition caused by the lack of calcium.  It can result in a condition where the bones appear rubbery.  This can affect your gecko's ability to walk.  Ensuring that you are dusting all insects with calcium plus D3 and leaving a small dish of calcium to allow the gecko to lap up the calcium.  More severe cases of MBD should be treated by a veterinarian




     Your gecko is susceptible to gastroenteritis that is caused by bacteria.  This illness can become fatal is not treated appropriately and in a timely manner.  Getting your gecko to an experienced reptile veterinarian is imperative.  Some signs to watch out for are shrinking of the tail and watery stools.


Respiratory Infection


     Geckos are susceptible to respiratory infections.  Your gecko may show signs of an infection such as wheezing or bubbling mucus from the mouth.  The gecko may appear to be lethargic and stop eating.  Taking your gecko to an experienced reptile veterinarian is the best treatment for any respiratory infections.


Veterinary Care


     It is very important to establish care with a vet that has experience treating leopard geckos.  It is better to have the vet selected before you run into an issue.  There may be numerous vets that say they treat reptiles, but we have found that only a vet with a history of treating reptiles works best.

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